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Network of Cantonese-speaking Counselling Services

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We are offering

Professional Development. Business Concept.

Counsellors Directory Platform

Counselling Enquiry Service

Community Services/Activities

Professional Development

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Counsellors Directory Platform

The Hong Kong Counsellors Hub C.I.C ( Company No. 14122300) officially registered as a ​community-interesed company in the UK in May 2022. We are dedicated to bringing togeher ​counsellors and social workers with rich counselling experience in the Hong Kong community in ​the UK. Through the application of our professional counselling knowledge, we aim to provide ​support and development to individuals/families in need within the community. Our goal is to ​nourish Hong Kongers in the UK to face the challenges encountered after migration with a ​healthy and resilient mind, body and spirit.

To establish a professional mutual support netowkr and introduce counselling services provided by individuals in different regions to the Hong Konger community, we invite you to fill out the relevant information on counselling services. For any inquiries, please feel free to email admin@hkcounsellorshub.org.uk

We adhere to the protection of personal data and privacy policies; details can be found in the Privacy Policy.

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Counselling Enquiry Service

We understand that the counselling process is most effective when conducted in a shared familiar language and cultural background. Therefore, our platform brings together a group of Cantonese-speaking counsellors from the Hong Konger community in the UK. These indivduals include couselling psychologists, counsellors, social workers, play therapiists, etc. We hoep that everyone seeking counselling needs can find like-minded counsellors primarily fluent in Cantonese. This enables open and uninhibited expression without cultural or language barriers.

If you are in need of a counsellor primarily fluent in Cantonese, we welcome you to fill out the ​enquiry form or contact us via email at admin@hkcounsellorshub.org.uk.

We are more than willing to serve as a bridge to support you in finding a counsellor.

The personal information you provide to us is protected under the UK General Data Protection Regulation.

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Professional Development

Online Workshop of Understanding and Handling Youth Suicide

Online Talk on Shame and Fear

Sharing on safeguarding practice

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Online Talk on Emotion

Family Justice System in the UK

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Latest Community Services / Activites

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Latest Community Services / Activites

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Latest Community Services / Activites

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Drop us an email for e​nquiry



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